Once Human Tips and Tricks for Beginner You Must Know

I'm back with some more once-human tips today, and I want to give you 10 crucial beginner tips. If I missed something or if you have more questions, please let me know in the comments. Why don't metahumans ever get lost because they always take their sanity with a grain of stardust? Now that we've had a laugh, let's dive into the tips.

Tip 1: Completing tasks and quests is crucial for progression. They guide you through the game's mechanics and reward you with experience and items. regularly check the journey menu. Press J to stay on track and claim your rewards.

Tip 2: Town clearing activities are highly beneficial early in the game. These tasks involve defeating enemies and looting resources, providing valuable gear and weapon mods without the need for crafting. Make sure you clear these on the road to quests to not lose too much time later.

Tip 3: The world is quite large, and without unlocking towers, there is no fast travel. Unlocking these saves you tons of time.

Tip 4: This one becomes relevant a bit later, but manage your sanity. Sanity is a critical aspect of survival in one's human life. Use sanity gummies or rest in beds to recover sanity when exploring contaminated areas or facing tough enemies.

Tip 5: Focus on obtaining and crafting blueprints. blueprints are key to crafting advanced gear. Collect blueprint fragments and combine them to unlock powerful weapons and armor, which can be crucial for your progression.

Tip 6: Use your motorcycle and build a garage for other vehicles. Using your vehicles to travel prevents fatigue, saves new resources, and makes overall travel faster.

Tip 7: Dismantle gear for resources. Regularly dismantle old weapons and gear to obtain parts for enhancing your current equipment. This keeps your gear up-to-date and maximizes your combat effectiveness.

Tip 8: Loot everything through exploration and looting. Vital open crates and gather resources from every location to build a strong inventory that will support your survival and crafting needs.

Tip Nine: When you get a buff, check your gear menu to understand what it does. It can be unclear, so you need to familiarize yourself with the buffs.

Tip 10: Claim rewards This sounds simple, but you have so many different reward tracks that you need to ensure you collect them all through the escape and journey menus. You should find most of them. For me, the battle pass was only there when I pressed F3. That was it. I hope it helps. I would love to hear your experiences with Once Human, regardless. Thank you so much for reading.

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