The First Descendant Tips for Beginners You Must Know

Hello everyone, I'm back with some more of the first descendant tips today, and I want to give you six crucial beginner tips.

Tip 1: I'm going to talk about the weapons. So there are four different ammo types for the weapons to use in this game: general rounds, impact rounds, special rounds, and high-powered rounds. Since these weapons use different ammo types, I recommend you don't have three weapons that use the same ammo type, because otherwise you're going to run out of ammo very quickly. If I just replace it, then I have three weapons that are using the same general rounds, and so if I run out of general rounds, I'm just out of ammo. It's a lot better to use one of each type of ammo.

Tip 2: Inventory management is going to be really important because this game drops you way too many items, and so every like two or three missions you're going to have to clean out your inventory or your inventory is going to get full, but luckily there's a very easy way to do this, so first of all, you just go to your inventory and then you hold shift and will designate everything as junk, and then you can hold control and it will automatically dismantle everything for materials.

Tip 3: You can equip modules to your weapons by going to the inventory screen, and you'll have all your modules, and these will increase the various effects of your guns depending on the module, so it'll do things like increasing damage, increasing fire rate, and putting more rounds in the magazine. So equip all the ones you want, and you can equip them all the way up to your module capacity. You should also note that, in addition to the module's capacity, you also can't equip modules with similar effects. You also don't need to worry about your mods being lost when you delete an item or anything. There are also modules that you can put on your descendant.

Tip 4: You will have a mastery rank, and unlike the descendant level, which levels up automatically, your mastery rank does not level up automatically. The way that you can level up your mastery once you've got enough experience is that you go back to Alon and then you just take a left turn and you'll get into a place with giant ANS, and you should activate the prime ANS, and you just do mastery rank up, and it'll give you a little cut scene, and you have to sit through this cut scene a lot of times, then your mastery rank will be increased, and so you definitely want to do this because it gives you a lot of benefits. It'll let you equip more modules.

Tip 5: When you're playing the game, you're going to encounter a lot of these yellow boxes, and you might just be ignoring these boxes because you think they're like an ammo crate or a health pack or something you don't need, but actually, if you open them, they usually give you crafting resources, so I do recommend you actually go and destroy those yellow boxes.

Tip 6: You might be playing the game and you feel like the camera is way too close to the character, and you've tried using the mouse wheel scroll. You've tried using the mouse wheel scroll. You've tried hitting all the keys on your keyboard to try and zoom out the camera, but nothing's working. But there actually is a way to zoom out the camera from your character, so what you have to do is go into the options and then in display there is a field of view setting, and since it's a third-person game, increasing the field of view just moves the camera further away from your character. That's all for this blog.

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