7 Nintendo free games You Must Play

The Nintendo Switch has been out for several years now, and I wanted to remake my list of my favorite free-to-play games.

Sky Children of the Light

Sky Children of the Light This was actually recommended to me; it doesn't at all feel like a free game; it comes from the team that bought us. Journey, which was, if you don't know, an award-winning almost walking simulator from back in 2013, you can customize your own character to make yourself stand out from the many other players, and you will see other people. I think it's up to eight within a server, but you'll team up with others to adventure-save spirits uncovering treasure, and you can give each other little gifts—these little candles. What this one does very well is its musical score; it ties everything together beautifully. Its size is 3 GB only.


Vigor: This one basically sees you living within this cabin in the middle of nowhere; it's like by a lake, and that's your home base, and then you go out on runs exploring this Nordic environment to try and compete, I guess, with other players in almost Dayz-like fashion, to grab gear, and then Escape; its size is 8.5 GB only.


Warframe is one of the few free-to-play games that I was happy to put a bit of money into. There is a lot of content for those that are willing to just play the game. You're looking at around 300 different weapons, things like Katas crossbows and flamethrowers. It has that like hybrid cyberpunk futuristic style that looks so cool because it's crossed with things like Katas. There's a big system to explore, like many of these games; they are primarily designed, in my opinion, to be played with friends online, and again, if you've got a good squad, it changes the whole thing. If you have a few mates that you can get together, I would strongly recommend giving this a try. Perhaps one of the biggest barriers to entry will be the download size of 16 gigs.

Star Wars Hunters

Star Wars Hunters doesn't feel a lot like a game; obviously, it's still being supported; it's only just come out. The battles are essentially eight different players, two teams of four, and you choose one of, I believe, the 13 different heroes. Now I've unlocked every single character and not put a single penny into it, and I've probably played for about 20 hours. and here, surprise, it's only 2 GB.

Lego Fortnite

I do actually like Lego Fortnite now. This was entirely officially endorsed, and I believe they helped co-create it. It's basically Minecraft with Lego, but running on the now heavily improved Fortnite engine means you can build and create things. You can go out on little adventures. If you have friends online, they can join you, and the fact that's free is pretty impressive. its size is 20 GB.

Rocket League

Rocket League is another that's had so many improvements since it was released, but essentially the game hasn't changed; it's just as good as it was. You control a car, you try and get a ball into the other person's goal, and it should not be as good as it is, probably in part to just very well-designed controls and physics. You can become an absolute machine at Rocket League. its size is 19 GB.


Palia, this is basically Starw Valley in 3D, and with 25 player online servers, you can manage your own farm, and you have your own area to do that, which allows you to decide who exactly is allowed to visit. That's a nice mechanic in and of itself because it means you can avoid a load of trolling. Now outside of your farm, you've got a big world area with a large central town where everyone kind of comes together. Im a fan of cozy games; indeed, its size is only 10 GB.

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