10 Dark and Darker Tips for Beginner Before Playing

Yo, what's good? Today we got a little top 10 tips for you for dark and darker. Lots of new players here we love. I love seeing more people playing it. I know when I started I wish I knew these things, so without wasting a lot of time, let's start.

Tip 1: Aim for the head in PvP fights and PVE too; the head does a lot more damage. This one's kind of a no-brainer. I think what a lot of people don't know is that the limbs and the chest each have their own range of damage, so head shots are going to do the most, chest shots are like the second most, and then any limb shot like your arms or your legs is going to do less damage.

Tip 2: Learn all the enemy mobs. I would recommend, as a new player, going to the normal mode before you can access High Roller and just getting used to how all the enemies work. High Roll is just going to be all the enemies, but a little more like, like, tweaked out like they're just insane; they're really fast, so it's best to get the knowledge of how they work in the normals map.

Tip 3: Use doors to your advantage while you are in a PVP fight. Some classes, like Wizard, have a fireball; they just love the door. You'll be able to use the door to your advantage if someone's chasing you down, and maybe you got to reset a fight. Use the door to hide behind. 

Tip 4: Learn what gear is best for your class. This one's important. You want to complement however your character scales, so for example, if you're a fighter, you probably want a lot of strength. If you're a wizard, knowledge is really good.

Tip 5: Movement speed Do not walk backwards ever. Do not press the S key in this game. Just don't do it. It cuts your movement speed so much it's not worth it. It's best to literally just shift left or right and then move your mouse to move your camera. Also, press the X key to put your weapon away. Movement speed is big in this game, so it's important to learn everything that affects it.

Tip 6: Campfires are very useful. Not only do they restore your health very fast, faster than any other healing in the game, minus maybe a surgical kit, but they also restore spells.

Tip 7: The shield in this game is a little tricky, so I would recommend practicing on some PVE. You have to literally aim your shield directionally; the shield placement is pretty important. 

Tip 8: Every class has their counter, so just get familiar with what classes are going to give you more trouble, and then try and build your class to compensate for that.

Tip 9: Learn where all the extracts are. This game was updated recently. There used to be portals that sort of randomly spawned, so this wasn't as big of a deal, but now there's been a few times now where I've been running around with some good gear and all the stats that I knew of Statics being where 

Tip 10: Don't forget to sell all your valuables after a game. Just relax. Just sell your stuff. Put your gold away. Take note of what you got and what you used. Don't go into a game without any heals because then you're probably going to die.

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